Cheer Conditioning Workouts For Home

all star cheerleaders stretch high kick

When it comes to cheerleading, participants typically get out what they put into it. Cheerleaders who want to be successful should condition their bodies to withstand the demands of cheering, such as jumping, tumbling, and stunting.

There are many ways to get in shape for cheerleading, but not all of them are equal. Some exercises may help improve your strength and power, while others may help improve your flexibility and range of motion. To help cheerleaders stay on top of their craft, WSA Cheer is here to help you work on four essential at-home exercises to improve your strength and flexibility.


You should strive to stretch every night. Work on all areas of flexibility, but specifically your back, shoulders, wrists, and hips.

Start your stretching routine with an upside-down dog yoga position to stretch your posterior spine. Then lie on your back, performing a lying knee rollover stretch. This is where you lie on the ground with your knees bent, in the air, and your arms stretched out in a “T” position. Let your knees fall to one side, stretching your hips and back, and hold the position for 30 seconds before switching your knees to the other side. Finish off with a bridge, arching your back, and inching your hands as close to your feet as possible.

Stretching is crucial to improving flexibility, joint strength, and preventing injuries in cheerleading.

Jump Conditioning

You don’t need fancy gym equipment for high jump training. Hitting those high jumps actually depends on your core strength. Before you work on those double T jumps, go for a light jog around the neighborhood, or up and down a set of stairs. Jump ropes are also great for strength training. Afterward, strengthen your core with the following circuit:

Core Strengthening Circuit:

  • Hollow Hold: 30 seconds
  • Scissor Kicks: 20 reps
  • V-Ups: 20 reps
  • Tuck-Ups: 20 reps
  • Seat-Ups: 20 reps
  • Leg Lowers: 10 reps

Once you’ve activated your adenosine triphosphate (ATP), work on three sets of the following reps to work on your jumps:

Jump Conditioning Circuit:

  • Fast Kicks: 20 reps
  • Side Hurdler Lifts: 20 reps, both sides
  • Toe Lifts: 20 reps
  • Floor Jumps: 20 reps
  • Double Marked Jumps: 10 reps
  • Double T Jumps: 10 reps

With each round, focus on your form and your breathing. Remember to stand tall with your chest up. When jumping, make sure your toes start and end together.

Endurance Conditioning

Endurance is a vital cheerleader quality. After all, cheerleaders are required to perform for long periods of time, often without breaks. Incorporating endurance training into your cheerleading workouts will help improve your stamina and prevent fatigue.One way to train your endurance is by interval training, which alternates periods of high-intensity activity with periods of low-intensity activity or complete rest. For example, you could sprint for 30 seconds, then jog for 60 seconds. Repeat this pattern for 20 minutes.

Another way to train your endurance is by doing circuit training. This type of workout involves moving from one exercise to the next with little to no rest in between. For example, you could do a set of push-ups, then a set of squats, then a set of sit-ups, and so on. Aim to do each exercise for 30 seconds to one minute. Complete three to five rounds of the circuit.

Practicing Fundamentals

And last but not least, don’t forget to practice your fundamentals: your lunges, cartwheels, and handstands.

Lunges: Practice keeping your upper body straight, and make sure your shoulders are back and relaxed. Engage your core. When you step out, both knees should be bent at 90 degrees. When lunges get easier for you, modify your lunge workouts by adding weights.

Cartwheels: If it helps, use painter’s tape to mark a straight line on the floor. This will be your guide to achieving perfect cartwheels. Remember to keep your back, legs, and arms as straight as possible, and point those toes!

Handstands: Start by practicing an L-stand against a wall: start on all fours, facing away from the wall, with your heels touching the wall. Hold your shoulders directly over your wrists. Then bring one leg up at a time, “climbing” the wall until your legs are straight out and you are in an upside-down L position. When you feel comfortable, lift one leg up at a time and try to hold for five to eight breath counts, until you have the strength for a full handstand.

Staying at home for long periods of time can be hard on your physical and mental health, especially for a competitive athlete. But by practicing these stretches and drills, you can stay in shape and prep for a great cheer season in the fall. Always give it your all, but don’t over-exert yourself! Remember to drink plenty of water and limit foods high in salt, sugar, or fat. We’re all in this together, and WSA Cheer is excited to see you soon at competition.